microsoft azure devops automation

How To Optimize Automation Using Azure DevOps

In this blog, we are discussing a feature of DevOps by which we can optimize automation. Manual testing is out fashioned yet it is still important but if we work on big projects we always feel the testing phase should be performed rapidly. Here at moreYeahs we are optimizing automation using DevOps.

We are using selenium to do automation for testing of the dynamics CRM project. Using the .net Unit test project we created test cases. Under the TestClasses, we defined TestMethod which is basically test cases.

Test Classes categories type of test. For best practice, we should always have some basic test cases which need to be performed each time we create a new build to do further development.

Steps for Changing Azure Log Analytics Retention Period

Steps for Changing Azure Log Analytics Retention Period

Log analytics retention plays a critical role in enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions regarding application health. By storing and analyzing historical logs, organizations can gain valuable insights into application performance, identify potential issues, and proactively address them.

Microsoft Azure offers a comprehensive log management solution called Azure Log Analytics. This service centralizes log data from diverse sources within Azure environment, empowering to analyze and interpret this data using a powerful query language.

However, keeping all logs indefinitely can become expensive and create storage management challenges. Optimizing your Azure Log Analytics retention strategy is crucial in order to balance cost-effectiveness with retaining valuable historical data for troubleshooting and trend analysis.

What Is Microsoft Azure Used for [2021]

What Is Microsoft Azure Used for [2021]

Microsoft Azure is a powerful cloud computing platform launched in February 2010. Azure is an ideal solution for businesses and enterprises to extend capabilities, solve challenges, and build innovative solutions.

Currently, there are 42 data centers worldwide for Microsoft Azure.

Azure solutions comprise software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) used for virtual computing, analytics, storage, and networking services.But the question most companies ask is, what is Microsoft azure used for? How does it work? How can it benefit them?

Integrate Katalon with Azure DevOps

Integrate Katalon with Azure DevOps

As I am going to write a blog series over Automation using Katalon Studio and Azure DevOps. I’ll cover all the topics including Automation in CICD pipeline, Reporting, Association of Test Cases, and many more in the different blog posts.

In this blog post of the series, we will see how we can integrate Katalon with Azure DevOps with Automation.


Katalon Studio is a powerful automation tool to simplify Web, API, Mobile, Desktop Automated Tests. It can be utilized for integration with popular CI/CD tools such as Azure DevOps, Jenkins, TeamCity, etc.